

In late 2009, I introduced my own brand named after a famous mountain just north of Reykjavik which is said to protect against the cold northern winds, Mt Esja.
The strategy was to create trendy/cool outdoor clothing at a mass marked price tag. Timing played a big role in this project just due the ongoing financial crises. Most Icelanders could not afford to put expensive clothing on their kids so this is where Mt Ejsa filled a hole. Being in one of the most harsh places in the world, Icelanders really want to protect their youngsters against the harsh weather, like Mt Ejsa.
This was a single man job. I made the whole concept, all products, all graphics, all marketing material, directing photoshoots and managed it all the way.
I did however have a good partner handling the logistic side of Mt Esja. 
Alone we can do a little; together we can do so much more. I have learned the hard way, I can't do it all alone.
In memory of one of the biggest influencers in my life, Valdimar Viðar Tómasson.

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